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The Family Village School website


Provides a wide variety of information about associations, instructional resources, legal issues, projects, and research related to inclusion.

The Friends of Inclusion website


Dedicated to the collaborative practices of educators and professionals serving individuals with disabilities. This site includes articles by leaders in the field of inclusive practices. The site is in memory of Marsha Forrest, a Canadian professional who was one of the early advocates of inclusive practices.

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)


Resource for students who are developing self-advocacy skills. Site provides essential information about student rights and strategies for addressing problems that may occur.

The Disability Rights Activist


Website including categories of links on topics related to disabilities, primarily for transition from school to adulthood.



An archive of listserv discussions that carry messages on a range of topics relevant to inclusive education

• NICHCY’s Student Guides


Resources for students to learn to participate actively in their own IEP development and job seeking processes. Technical assistance materials for parents and teachers are provided. An audiotape that accompanies each guide can be ordered (transcript is available at the web site).

• The Institute on Community Integration


An organization that facilitates independence of people with disabilities and their social integration into the mainstream of community life. The Institute provides an excellent newsletter on issues involving the inclusion of individuals with disabilities into community activities. It also has extensive links to other resources related to inclusive practices.

Inclusion: School as a Caring Community


Information on how students with special needs are now part of general education classes and how their teachers work to accomplish their inclusive practices. This site is specifically for teachers and other professionals and includes information at the elementary as well as secondary level. Although the site’s home is Canada, the information is very pertinent to American inclusive practices.

• The Florida Inclusion Network


A web site of ideas, inspiration, and resources for including students with special needs in the general education classroom. It contains specific ideas about how teachers have made inclusive practices work and examples of schools where inclusion works. You also can sign up to receive electronically a free newsletter from this organization.

• The Family Village Inclusion Resources - Global Community of Disability


A website that describes collaborative and inclusive practices worldwide. If you click on the page for education, you’ll find school resources, articles on inclusive practices, and links to other related websites.

Disability is Natural


User friendly website based on a contemporary way of thinking about individuals with significant disabilities. The website includes general information, including the importance of using person-first language and respectful ways to talk with and about individuals with disabilities.

The National Institute for Urban School Improvement


Created to foster inclusive practices in schools and communities. This website has many, many resources for schools in urban, suburban, and rural areas. The materials on this website were produced through a federal grant and reproduction of them is encouraged.



Addresses legal issues related to special education and advocacy, including inclusive practices. At this site you can find technical information about the legal requirements of least restrictive environment as well as articles and case law related to this topic.

• Inclusion


From the University of Northern Iowa, the site includes a wide variety of information on inclusive practices, from teacher competencies to teaching strategies, from articles to read to related links. The site includes information for administrators and ideas for creating inclusive schools.

Circle of Inclusion


Concerned with inclusive practices for young children. The site has articles that can be downloaded, information for families, and recommended practices for including young children with their peers.

• ERIC Digest: Inclusion in Middle Schools


Inclusive practices in middle schools. Topics include the rationale for inclusive practices, barriers that may be met, and ideas for fostering success.


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